Along with your roof, your gutters play an integral role in diverting excess rainwater away from your home so it is important to keep them clear and clog-free to keep water flowing freely. Installing gutter covers is a great way to keep debris like leaves and twigs away from your gutters but some homeowners feel like they can get by with makeshift ones to save on money. In today’s article, roof replacement expert Genesis Roofing explains why going the DIY route when it comes to gutter covers is more trouble than they are actually worth.

Mismatched Covers
Gutter covers can be made of different types of materials such as foam, mesh and screen, among others. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. By not having it installed by a professional, you run the risk of selecting gutter covers that may not be the most suitable for your gutters.
Faulty Installation
As with anything involving something as important as your roof and gutters, you should only let a professional roofing contractor avoid a faulty installation. You may think that you are saving money upfront, but DIY covers might need to be replaced right away when they become debris traps or fail prematurely.
The whole point of installing gutter covers is to prevent clogging. With DIY covers, you may end up inadvertently trapping debris instead of keeping it out. Sure, there a lot of tutorials and instructions online and it might seem easy, but trust us, you are better off phoning your local roofer to do the job for you.
Whether you are in need of minor roof repair services or are looking for a reputable roofing company to professionally install gutter covers for you, please do not hesitate to call Genesis Roofing at (515) 202-1667 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We happily serve homeowners in Des Moines, IA, as well as its surrounding areas.